Monday, November 7, 2011

CUCI SAWAN.............

Lame wehhhhhhhh dok jenguk ini blog.... busy plus malas
anyway will try to write something... ihik ihik

Macam la org nak bace sgt kan....????????!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Just to share some info . . .

before this, aku mmg xsuke and xpernah minat mnjahit or ape2 berkaitan dgn mesin jahit. . . Till last 2 years i met zilakasim dekat kedai my friend. . And bought the 1st sewing machine which is actually for my mom's birthday present . . .

and the next coming week she came ajar buat bag. . . Ended i manage to make 2 bags during that day. . . Suddenly i fell in love with this gajet. . .

no one believe me when i told them i boleh menjahit. . . Dan sekarang zila boleh bangge dgn aku. . .cewwwahhhhh. . . . Sbb aku mampu buat mcm2 dgn mesin n sedikit ilmu yg diberi. .

setakat arini aku dah ade 2 sewing machines bernina 1 bernette 82e and 1 mesin jahit tepi . .

dan aku pasang angan2 utk the third one plakkksss

ahakssss. . .

but th most precious thing. . . Dr hubungan penjual dan pembeli wealls dah jd close friends . . . Yououls jgn jelesss kikikiki. . .

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Banjiroo 2011

Diuji lg dgn banjir sebelum pindah rumah baru.. Sesungguhnye ujian ini utk org2 yg sabarrr..
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My Anniversary

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