Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Just to share some info . . .

before this, aku mmg xsuke and xpernah minat mnjahit or ape2 berkaitan dgn mesin jahit. . . Till last 2 years i met zilakasim dekat kedai my friend. . And bought the 1st sewing machine which is actually for my mom's birthday present . . .

and the next coming week she came ajar buat bag. . . Ended i manage to make 2 bags during that day. . . Suddenly i fell in love with this gajet. . .

no one believe me when i told them i boleh menjahit. . . Dan sekarang zila boleh bangge dgn aku. . .cewwwahhhhh. . . . Sbb aku mampu buat mcm2 dgn mesin n sedikit ilmu yg diberi. .

setakat arini aku dah ade 2 sewing machines bernina 1 bernette 82e and 1 mesin jahit tepi . .

dan aku pasang angan2 utk the third one plakkksss

ahakssss. . .

but th most precious thing. . . Dr hubungan penjual dan pembeli wealls dah jd close friends . . . Yououls jgn jelesss kikikiki. . .

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Banjiroo 2011

Diuji lg dgn banjir sebelum pindah rumah baru.. Sesungguhnye ujian ini utk org2 yg sabarrr..
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